최승준 Korean b.1985

Choi Seung Joon is an artist attune to the nature of human influences found in the world. Choi often questions the existentialism of life though his paintings while also portraying what he believes are the answers to his questions through his works. He is inspired by what others would find mundane. Whether it is through casual conversations, certain scenes from movies, a line in a book, or music we listen to, but once he deems it fascinating, he digs deep into the subject matter, reads about it thoroughly, and observes carefully.

For Choi, the world is both a place where he gets consumed by it and also where he gets his inspiration. He strives to maintain the balance by constantly drawing and studying it. He truly loves how painting gives room to feel human and it is the reason he perseveres as an artist. Choi’s paintings appear approachable as they often capture everyday moments in time. However, after long periods of observation there is a melancholic stillness that can only spring forth from an artist who quietly observes moments of this world and breathes life into these moments on canvas and allowing it to grow together with the viewer.

최승준 Choi Seungjoon b. 1985

2018 창원대학교 일반대학원 서양화 졸업

2011 창원대학교 미술학과 졸업


2018 <Works on Paper>, 대안공간 로그캠프, 창원

2017 <THINGS 사물들>, 스페이스가창/대구예술발전소, 대구

2015 <The Beginning>, 갤러리1326, 창원

 단체전 및 기획전

2021 <Unrealistic Scenery> 최승준, 박경진 2인전, JNOGALLERY, 서울

2021 <의심하는 돌멩이의 노래>, 경남도립미술관, 창원

2020 <Be True>, 시안미술관, 영천

2019 <이 전시는 교훈이 없다>, 현대미술회관, 부산

2019 <STAIRES ART FAIR 2019>, 영무예다음 STAIRES, 대구

2018 <The Middle of Nowhere>, 스페이스가창, 대구

2017 <산 넘어 산-팝업스토어>, 경남은행갤러리, 창원

2017 <한국큐레이터협회 창립10주년 기념전>, 인디프레스갤러리, 서울

2017 <위-플레이>, 315아트센터, 창원

 레지던스 프로그램

2018 SomoS Art House, 베를린 독일

2017 가창창작스튜디오, 대구